A radical idea to change the way our country is goverend.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Chance for Change - UK Parliment & Democracy

Hello and welcome to my first blog. I intend to use this blog space to start a change in the way our lives are run. We all get fed up of politicians who couldn’t care less about "The Country" and are more worried about themselves.

Having muted my ideas to a few friends about how things could be different and the UK could once again return to a "parliament of the people for the people" I decided the information age could help with this and decided to create a blog and try and gauge support for my ideas.

We are constantly being told that things are forever changing and we must adapt to these changes or be left behind. If this is the case then why on earth do we have a system of government that is 100's of years old and the only thing that seems to change is the useless people who control the 2 main parties and run the country.

Our current parliamentary system no longer represents the general public and their is a general apathy amongst people both old and young towards politicians, central and local government and the ever increasing amount of quango's.


The idea I have discussed with friends centers around the jury system used in courts where a random selection of the general public are selected and are asked to make a decision based on the facts they hear.

Why can't our government be like that? Why can't we randomly pick members of the public to form a real "parliament of the people for the people"? I'll tell you why, because both the Labour and conservative parties would be dead in the water (what a shame) and of no more use. What a change that would be. No more backstabbing just for the sake of it, no more ridiculous attempts at oneupmanship during PM's questions and no more dictoral leaders like we have seen recently like Thatcher & Blair.

To bring this about requires huge changes in our current electoral and governance systems and can only be achieved if the people really want it.

I welcome all and any feedback on this topic and hope you will get as many people to read this as possible. I am not for one moment suggesting I have all the answers or any answers for that matter I just want change. Do you think could be be achieved? Can you help achieve it? Could you help expand on this idea? Do you want change?


Blogger Chance for Change said...

Thats just it. I don't think we have a true democracy as our goverments never have the majority of the people backing them.

Our "First past the post system" stinks and is only there to keep the big 2 in power.

Democracy is why we think we can control other nations and other people less fortunate than ourselves!

3:56 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:54 am


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